I have been tagged.
Thanks Rachael. Well here it goes: How to play this game. Post these rules on your blog; List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names....
3 Joys: My Family (Mom, Dad, Brothers, even the Sister; My sweetest Jonah, Manny, and Gracie), The Best Friends ever, The Plan of Salvation
3 Fears: Never having children, Mediocrity, The death of a loved one
3 Goals: Get married and start a family, Finish school and become successful, lose more weight
3 current obsessions/collections: So You Think You Can Dance, Otter Pops, The Twilight Books
3 random surprising facts: I have never been kissed among other things, I once went skinny dipping in the ocean right in front of a hotel and it was only like 9:30 at night, I love snow cones so much that I feel like they should be a food group
I am tagging: Elizabeth, Margie, Nicole, Julie, and Becky