This is the face that I made when I actually passed my practical. The truth is that this picture is one of many that I took at a party when I tagged a friends camera. We must have taken a hundred pictures that night. I found this very fun until she tagged me on facebook with all of the pictures. Let's just say that this is one of the cuter ones. Why oh why do I do this to myself? The fact of the matter is this is how I usually am there I said it I am a big old dork and I am proud of it. I feel so much better now. Besides that I wanted to say thanks to everyone who congratulated me for my accomplishment it meant a lot. I hope that everyone has a great Valentines Day! and make sure to stay tuned for more to come.
I love excited looking faces. It gives us all hope that fun good times are ahead. Party ON!
I love this picture of you. I think you look beautiful and I thought of you mother the more I looked at it. Congrats on passing!
That is a really HOT picture of you. I'd like to say that no matter what expression you have, you look dead sexy but, I can't say that because you've tagged my camera before and man, can you make some crazy faces!
I'm glad you fessed up to being a big ol' dork. But, that's way I love you...so, no shame in that. Love you!
Hahah, sorry about the tagging all the pictures. You can untag yourself in any you may not like. Haha.
You are so beautiful, to me. Can't you see?
I miss the heck out of you. I hope I will be out in the UT this summer so that I can get my Leah fix!
Leah, I think you are a great clothes shopper. YOu need to help me out. You know Peter is getting married and I have to find a black and silver outfit to wear at the reception. Perhaps a silver rap around shirt. See what you can find for me. Sandy_Alger@byu.edu
You look great, Leah. Congratulations on passing your boards! Awesome! You should go out for a hangerbur to celebrate!!!LOVE You Leah Lou!
Now how's about we get some blogging about the latest event in your life that lead to a big, happy look of surprise?!?!
Have you given up on your blog or what?
You haven't been blogging. This is a sin. REPENT!
I love this picture of you.
data entry work from home
Once upon a time, Leah blogged. And I LOVED it. Then it ended unhappily ever after. Please come back.
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